Students may park at Paulson Stadium and ride the Georgia Southern University (GS) bus, or students may purchase a GS parking pass.

    • Note that the Gold Route will be the shuttle that stops closest to Nessmith Lane. It will stop at the Russell Union/餐厅 Commons/University Store/Centennial Place stop, turn left onto Forest Drive, stop at the bus shelter outside of the Forest Drive Building, continue on to the bus stop at the Engineering Building, turn left onto Plant Drive, then turn right onto Chandler Road and continue its usual route to Paulson Stadium.

Parking Passes

    • If you do not already have a GS parking pass, you may visit the Parking and Transportation office to purchase one.
    • The closest lots to Nessmith Lane are lots 30-31.
    • The cost of the pass for the Spring 2022 semester will be $80. (Please keep in mind that the passes are usually $160 per academic year, but since we are relocating mid-year, they are prorated for this spring only.)

使用 interactive map to locate the Nessmith-Lane building, as well as other buildings and parking lots near buildings on campus.

Please visit the Georgia Southern Parking and Transportation page for more information about regulations, maps, and routes.